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Court Rules Madeleine McCann’s Parents May Have Covered Up Death

Portugal’s Supreme Court has ruled that the parents of missing British girl Madeleine McCann may have covered-up her death to protect an elite pedophile ring operation.  The court ruled on Tuesday that Gerry and Kate McCann cannot sue for libel a former Portuguese detective who published a book claiming that Maddy’s parents were directly involved in their daughter’s disappearance. reports: Judges decided that Goncalo Amaral’s “right to freedom of expression” was worthy of greater protection under Portuguese law than the “right to honour” of the McCanns.

Trump’s Supreme Court Pick: "The Best The Left Could Have Hoped For"

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Donald Trump named Neil Gorsuch to succeed Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

The leading candidates for the job all had strong conservative credentials.


Gorsuch, 49, joined an opinion in 2013 saying that owners of private companies could object on religious grounds to a provision of the Obamacare health insurance law requiring employers to provide coverage for birth control for women.


California Declares State ‘Safe Space’ For Terrorists

Authorities in California are planning to turn the entire state into a giant ‘safe space’ zone for potential terrorists by completely opening up their borders to all immigrants.  New emergency legislation being pushed through The Senate Public Safety Committee will prohibit all law enforcement officers from cooperating with border agents, ignoring federal laws put in place by President Trump. If the legislation passes, it could make California Governor Jerry Brown guilty of conspiracy to violate federal immigration laws.

Meet America's Newest Supreme Court Justice: Judge Neil Gorsuch

Meet America's Newest Supreme Court Justice:  Judge Neil Gorsuch

Confirming a choice that many had already pegged as a front-runner to fill Antonin Scalia's vacant seat, President Trump just officially announced Judge Neil Gorsuch as his nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States. 

Per Politico, Gorsuch has the typical pedigree of a Supreme Court Justice with degrees from Columbia, Harvard and Oxford.  Moreover, Gorsuch's professional background includes time at a Washington law firm, the Department of Justice and clerkships with Justices Byron White and Anthony Kennedy.
