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California Declares State ‘Safe Space’ For Terrorists

Authorities in California are planning to turn the entire state into a giant ‘safe space’ zone for potential terrorists by completely opening up their borders to all immigrants.  New emergency legislation being pushed through The Senate Public Safety Committee will prohibit all law enforcement officers from cooperating with border agents, ignoring federal laws put in place by President Trump. If the legislation passes, it could make California Governor Jerry Brown guilty of conspiracy to violate federal immigration laws. The law states that if authorities are found guilty of aiding and abetting illegal immigrants then all of the States assets can be confiscated by the federal government to be sold at auction. (b) Seizure and forfeiture (1) In general Any conveyance, including any vessel, vehicle, or aircraft, that has been or is being used in the commission of a violation of subsection (a), the gross proceeds of such violation, and any property traceable to such conveyance or proceeds, shall be seized and subject to forfeiture. CBS reports: While many of California’s largest cities — including Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento — have so-called sanctuary policies that prohibit police from cooperating with immigration authorities, much of the state does not. The Democratic legislation, [...]

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