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Trump Fires Attorney General Loretta Lynch

President-elect Donald Trump has fired Attorney General Loretta Lynch from her post and nominated Sen. Jeff Sessions to replace her.  Loretta Lynch, who famously boarded a plane with Bill Clinton for a “private meeting” during ongoing FBI investigations into Hillary Clinton, is likely to leave office in April 2017 just before Jeff Sessions is confirmed by the Senate. The announcement was met by widespread applause from Republicans, but denouncement from Democrats who claim Sessions’ has overly “hard-line views on immigrants,” despite the fact that his voting record shows otherwise.

Arizona Police Officer Brutally Punches Woman In Face

A police officer in Arizona has been caught on camera violently punching an unsuspecting woman in the face during an arrest. The officer has been placed on leave following the release of a video online. New York Post reports: The Flagstaff Police Department learned of the video Wednesday. It shows Officer Jeff Bonar punching a woman during an arrest earlier in the day, Sgt. Cory Runge said in a statement to the Arizona Republic. “Our agency is very concerned by what is depicted in this video,” Runge said.

Trump Settles "Trump University" Fraud Claims For $25 Million

Trump Settles "Trump University" Fraud Claims For $25 Million

One of the bigger headaches hanging over Donald Trump as he enters the transition period of his presidency, was the ongoing litigation that his now defunct Trump University defrauded students. Well, no more. Moments ago, the president-elect agreed to settle fraud lawsuits relating to his Trump University series of real estate seminars for $25 million.

Trump settles despite tweeting in late February that he would not settle "out of principle" as the University has a 98% approval rating.

How The IRS Used Civil Asset Forfeiture To Ruin The Lives Of Two Connecticut Bakers

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

At the beginning of this year, Attorney General Eric Holder attempted to close an exploitable loophole in asset forfeiture laws. State and local law enforcement agencies often sought federal “adoption” of seizures in order to route around statutes that dumped assets into general funds or otherwise limited them from directly profiting from these seizures. By partnering with federal agencies, local law enforcement often saw bigger payouts than with strictly local forfeitures.

Brazil Begins Arrests Of Top Politicians

Brazil have begun the process of arresting and prosecuting their top senior politicians for corruption.  According The O Globo daily newspaper, a top Brazilian prosecutor is requesting the country’s highest court to issue arrest warrants for various politicians wanted for obstructing a corruption investigation into state oil company Petrobras. reports: Senate President Renan Calheiros is one of several reportedly being sought by prosecutor Rodrigo Janot. He called the request “disproportional and abusive” in a statement.
