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Thousands Protest Proposed Child Sex Abuse Bill In Turkey

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Istanbul on Saturday expressing their anger at a highly controversial draft law that would overturn men’s convictions for child sex assault if they married their victim. Demanding it be withdrawn, protesters shouted slogans condemning the bill which was recently brought to the parliament by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). Press TV reports: Holding banners that read, “Rape cannot be legitimized” and “AKP, take your hands off my body,” the demonstrators shouted, “We will not shut up. We will not obey. Withdraw the bill immediately!” Turkish lawmakers approved the bill in its initial reading on Thursday and will vote on the proposal in a second debate on Tuesday. If passed, the law would pardon men guilty of assaulting a minor if the act was committed without “force, threat, or any other restriction on consent” and if the perpetrator married the victim. “We will not allow the AKP to acquit and set free rapists in this country,” said one of the protesters, adding, “Women will resist and take to the streets until this law and similar other laws are withdrawn.” The government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan argues that the measure was [...]

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