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Is President Trump's Legal Team Preparing For An Imminent "Obstruction Of Justice" Charge?

President Trump set off a new wave of mainstream media outrage over the weekend when he publicly admitted that he was aware that Flynn had lied to the FBI and Vice President when he made the decision to fire him.  Not surprisingly, the Left has used the admission to once again suggest that Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey for simply pursuing charges against someone who Trump himself already knew to be guilty.

Did Mike Flynn Wear A Wire During Conversations With Jared Kushner?

Did Mike Flynn Wear A Wire During Conversations With Jared Kushner?

By now, other potential Trump administration officials who might’ve interacted with Michael Flynn following his Jan. 24 interview with FBI agents - where the former general lied about the details of his conversation with then-ambassador Kislyak - are probably tearing their hair out trying to discern whether the former National Security Adviser – who served in that post for less than a month before being fired for allegedly misrepresenting these same conversations to Vice President Pence – might’ve worn a wire during their interactions.

The Legal System Is Failing America When It Comes To Immigration

The Legal System Is Failing America When It Comes To Immigration

Authored by Scott Greer via The Daily Caller,

The illegal immigrant who fired the gun shot that killed Kate Steinle was able to beat a murder charge this week.

Jose Garcia Zarate, a five-time deportee from Mexico and convicted felon, walked away with only a gun conviction after his legal team convinced the jury their client accidentally fired a gun three times and had no intent of killing anyone.

Trump On Flynn's Plea: "I'm Not Worried At All; What Has Been Shown Is No Collusion"

After cancelling a press briefing Friday afternoon following Gen. Flynn’s decision to plead guilty to lying to the FBI during Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, President Trump has spoken out about the situation for the first time.

“No, I’m not” worried about what Michael Flynn will tell investigators Trump told reporters. “What has been shown is no collusion. There’s been absolutely no collusion so we’re very happy.”
