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South Carolina Police Conduct Roadside Cavity Search

Police officers in the South Carolina city of Aiken recorded themselves as they exposed an African-American driver’s breasts and searched  her partner’s rectum. The disturbing dashcam video from 2014 shows at least one member of the police Department search inside the man’s rectum for the ‘crime’ of being a passenger in a car with a temporary paper license plate, which is not illegal in South Carolina. According to the Washington Post, the car belonged to a woman named Lakeya Hicks, who had the paper tags because she had recently purchased the vehicle.

Video: Cruel Judge Orders Cop To Electrocute Peaceful Man In Courtroom

A sadistic judge was caught on camera instructing a cop to electrocute a man representing himself in a Maryland court with 50,000 volts of electricity.  Judge Robert Nalley instructed the court’s Sheriff to electrocute Delvon King due to the fact that he continued speaking after the judge had asked him to stop. reports: Judge Robert Nalley pleaded guilty in February to depriving the defendant of his civil rights and video of the horrific incident was released this week. Nalley was facing up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $100,000 after pleading guilty.

State Dept Halt Clinton Email Investigation As FBI Intensify Theirs

The State Department have announced that they have halted their investigation into whether Hillary Clinton misused emails containing top secret information whilst she was Secretary of Stat in order to clear the way for the FBI to ramp up their own investigation.  Spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau confirmed on Friday that the State Department’s review was on hold so that they didn’t interfere with the ongoing FBI investigation.

HPV Vaccine Users Sue Government In Japan In Landmark Case

A class action lawsuit has been filed in Japan from victims suffering the side effects of the HPV vaccine who now have severe cognitive problems as a result.  The victims have filed the suit against makers of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Cervarix and Gardsil, as well as the Japanese government who had originally recommended the vaccine to citizens. reports: “The victims wish to live a peaceful life and prevent further suffering by finding out the truth (about the vaccine side effects),” Minaguchi added.

Vaccine Scandal Rocks China As Citizens Accuse Government Of Genocide

Outraged citizens in China are demanding to know why the Chinese government allowed potentially lethal vaccines to be distributed to millions of children, risking their health and lives.  News of a huge vaccine scandal emerged after an illegal vaccine ring was discovered by the government in April 2015, which had been operating since 2011, distributing $88 million worth of dangerous vaccines to the public. It is unknown how widespread the vaccine program was, nor how many people died or will die as a result.
