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State Dept Halt Clinton Email Investigation As FBI Intensify Theirs

The State Department have announced that they have halted their investigation into whether Hillary Clinton misused emails containing top secret information whilst she was Secretary of Stat in order to clear the way for the FBI to ramp up their own investigation.  Spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau confirmed on Friday that the State Department’s review was on hold so that they didn’t interfere with the ongoing FBI investigation. reports: She said the decision was made after the department sought the FBI’s advice on how to proceed with the review and received word that it should follow its standard practice. Trudeau said the department’s standard practice is to place internal reviews “on hold while there is an ongoing law enforcement investigation underway.” An FBI spokeswoman declined to comment. “Of course, we do not want our internal review to complicate or impede the progress of their ongoing law enforcement investigation,” Trudeau told reporters. “Therefore, the State Department at this time is not moving forward with our internal review.” Trudeau said the department would “reassess next steps” in the internal review process once the FBI completes its probe. The department began the internal review in January when it announced that it had classified 22 emails that [...]