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Trump Attempts To Abort Candidacy

Donald Trump stepped in it bigtime:

“I am pro-life,” Mr. Trump said after a few attempts. Asked how an abortion ban would be put in place, he said, “You go back to a position like they had where they would perhaps go to illegal places. But you have to ban it.”

Finally, Mr. Matthews asked Mr. Trump, “You’re about to be chief executive of the United States. Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no?”

Chief Rabbi Says Non-Jews Should Not Be Allowed To Live In Israel

Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef has faced a public backlash after saying that according to Jewish law some non-Jews should be forbidden to live in Israel. Yosef made the statement about non-Jews on March 26 during his weekly Saturday night lecture. “According to Jewish law, it’s forbidden for a non-Jew to live in the Land of Israel – unless he has accepted the seven Noahide laws” RT reports: Non-Jews who fail to live by the seven Noahide laws should be expelled to Saudi Arabia, he added.

ECHR Rules Police Shooting Of Jean Charles de Menezes Was Lawful

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the shooting of Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes in 2005 was lawful. The police officers who killed de Menezes, believing he was a suicide bomber, should not be prosecuted, the Strasbourg court ruled. De Menezes, died after he being pinned down by police at a London tube station and shot eleven times. RT reports: The shooting took place nearly 11 years ago in the tense days following the 7/7 terror attacks in which 56 Londoners died.

Trump Campaign Manager Arrested For Beating Up Reporter

Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, has been arrested and charged with battery, following an incident earlier in the month in which he allegedly assaulted Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields.  The Jupiter Police Department have confirmed that they formally charged Lewandowski on Tuesday morning following allegations that he assaulted Fields outside of a March 8 press conference at the Palm Beach Country Trump National Golf Club. reports: Fields told police she tried to ask Trump a question as he exited the ballroom following his speech.
