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Suicide Bombers Were Detained By Authorities Before Brussels Attack

The three bombers involved in the March 22 Brussels attack were well known to Western intelligence agencies, and two of them had previously been detained by authorities for violent crimes.  Brothers Brahim and Khalid El Bakraoui were imprisoned in 2010 and 2011 for a police shooting using AK-47s during a holdup. More worryingly the elder brother, Brahim El Bakraoui, had been deported from Turkey in 2015 for “terrorist activity” – and Ankara had attempted to warn authorities about the danger he posed to the EU.

California Holistic Doctor Found Brutally Murdered With Family

Yet another holistic doctor has been found murdered, with police saying that the slaying “was not a random attack”.  Dr. Weidong Henry Han, from California, was found brutally murdered with his wife and daughter in his home in Santa Barbara in California. reports: Dr. Weidong Henry Han, 57, his wife, Huijie Yu, 29; and their daughter, Emily Han, 5, were found dead Wednesday in their home in the 4600 block of Greenhill Way. Authorities said the trio were homicide victims and have said the killings were not random.

How Congress Protects Monsanto At California Taxpayers Expense

Three California towns are currently suing Monsanto for poisoning San Francisco Bay with PCBs, chemicals known to cause cancer. Many involved in the lawsuit hope the court’s ultimate decision will make it easier for other cities across the US to hold companies, like Monsanto, liable for environmental damage. Until now, companies that cause long-term damage are rarely, if ever considered “at fault” by the US Government.

US Wants To Charge Iranian Hackers For Cyber Attacks On Banks, Dam

US President Barack Obama’s administration is expected to publicly blame cyber-hackers from Iran for the “coordinated campaign” of cyber attacks between 2012 and 2013 on some U.S. banks and a water dam in New York State, according to reports reports: The Justice Department has prepared an indictment against about a half-dozen Iranians, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter. It is one of the highest-profile U.S.

Arizona Shooter Sues Gabrielle Giffords Saying He Is MK-Ultra Victim

The Arizona shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, has filed a lawsuit against U.S. politician Gabrielle Giffords and the Federal Bureau of Prisons, claiming that he has been the victim of the MK-Ultra project – the government’s mind control program where human subject are illegally experimented on by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  Loughner is filing for $25 million in damages for what he claims caused him “emotional distress” five years after he shot and killed six people in Tuscon in January 2011.
