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Justice Scalia Found Dead "With Pillow Over His Head", But No Autopsy Ordered

The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia yesterday has taken a turn for the conspiracy-theorist following comments from the Houston businessman who discovered the judge's body.

This is the news as it was delivered to the general public yesterday:

A federal official who asked not to be named said there was no evidence of foul play and it appeared that Scalia died of natural causes.


Calls For Urgent Investigation Into Death Of Antonin Scalia

The news which drew seemingly quick conclusions that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had died of “natural causes” this weekend, has prompted calls for an autopsy and toxicological reports. The president of the Americans for Legal Immigration political action committee William Gheen, noted the media’s “rush” to proclaim Scalia’s death in a rented room in a resort in Texas as either “natural causes” or heart attack just hours after the discovery of his body. Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara, who pronounced Scalia dead, said no autopsy was necessary.

Is The Supreme Court Irrelevant?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Not only is the political slant of the Justices irrelevant, so is the entire Court and the central state it represents.

With the passing of Justice Scalia, the media has embarked on a frenzy of speculation about the political battles that are part and parcel of the President nominating a replacement Supreme Court justice.

Scalia’s Legacy

The judicial reasoning of most recent and current Supreme Court Justices emerges from one central principle:

If a law produces, or seems likely to produce, an outcome that right-thinking people deem socially desirable, then that law is ipso facto constitutional; by contrast, if that law produces, or seems likely to produce, an outcome that right-thinking people deem socially undesirable, then that law is ipso facto unconstitutional.
