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"It's A Designed Cover-Up" - Powerful Democratic Congressman John Conyers Sexually Harassed Staffers

"It's A Designed Cover-Up" - Powerful Democratic Congressman John Conyers Sexually Harassed Staffers

Last week, we reported how Congress’s Office of Compliance paid out $17 million for 264 settlements with federal employees over 20 years for various violations, including sexual harassment – information that was brought to light by California Rep. Jackie Speiers, who claimed that two men with a history of sexual harassment continued to serve in the House – one of whom was a Republican and one a Democrat.

Now the Sexual Harassment Noose Falls Upon Rep. John Conyers

Content originally published at

The sexual harassment allegations continue, with today's showcase revelations being Charlie Rose and Rep. John Conyers. Over at the Weinstein scandal, upwards of 90 women have come forward, some of whom claimed they were outright raped by the big fat ape.

So you know, Harvey Weinstein is still at large.

This from Buzzfeed tonight -- tipped off by Mike Cernovich

Here's Mike discussing the latest scandal via Periscope.

Entire Baltimore Neighborhood Under Lockdown: "Police Declared Martial Law"

Entire Baltimore Neighborhood Under Lockdown: "Police Declared Martial Law"

Five days ago, Det. Sean Suiter, a married father of five and an 18-year veteran with the Baltimore Police, was patrolling the streets of West Baltimore around 5pm last Wednesday when he saw suspicious activity. Suiter approached a man and was shot point blank in the head, in a summary execution. He was rushed to the hospital in critical condition where he later died of his injuries.

Weinstein Watershed - Here's A List Of The 42 Men Accused Of Sexual Misconduct (So Far)

Weinstein Watershed - Here's A List Of The 42 Men Accused Of Sexual Misconduct (So Far)

Since The New York Times published allegations of sexual harassment and assault against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein in October, there has been a watershed as multiple men in entertainment, media and politics in the U.S. and beyond face allegations ranging from inappropriate behavior to forced sexual misconduct to rape.
