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An Important Lesson From Steven Avery: Never Talk To The Police

In this video, Professor James Duane of the Regent University School of Law reveals why should you never talk to the police. A lesson that Steven Avery could have learned before he was arrested and subsequently incarcerated for the framing of the murder of Teresa Halbach. This video could save you 5-10 years one day. reports: Professor Duane explains WHY you should NEVER, EVER, EVER say ANYTHING to the police without an attorney present.

Erdogan Hauled To Court For Having ‘Golden Toilet Bowls’

A Turkish court has ordered President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to compensate the leader of the opposition party who criticised the President for having golden toilet bowls in the presidential palace. In May 2015 the leader of the opposition Republican people’s party, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, stated that the 1000-room presidential Palace had golden toilet bowls. Erdogan denied the allegation and attempted to sue his rival for his comments. Fort Russ reports: “On December 27th the court of first instance of Ankara decided to close the case about the “Golden bowl” in the first hearing.

UK Foreign Secretary Refuses To Condemn Mass Saudi Executions

The UK foreign secretary has been accused of “parroting the propaganda” of Britain’s Middle East ally as he refused to condemn the mass execution of 47 people in Saudi Arabia. When asked whether London should be “more robust” in condemning the Saudi executions, Philip Hammond said: “Let us be clear, first of all, that these people were convicted terrorists.” Rights campaigners say that at least four of the 47, including the Saudi Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, were arrested and executed in relation to political protests.
