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Coverup? FBI, DOJ Refuse To Comply With Congressional "Trump Dossier" Subpoena

Coverup? FBI, DOJ Refuse To Comply With Congressional "Trump Dossier" Subpoena

In what looks like a naked coverup meant to obscure the fact that the Department of Justice's decision to launch a criminal investigation into possible Russia-Trump collusion was based on a lie, Reuters reports that the DOJ and FBI are resisting a Congressional subpoena from to turn over documents that would reveal details about how the infamous "Trump dossier" factored into their decision to launch said investigation.

Hillary Compares Trump To Putin: "Hopefully He Hasn't Ordered The Killing Of Journalists"

As Hillary Clinton tours the country desperately trying to explain "What Happened" during the 2016 election, she aggressively ramped up her rhetoric game to an 11 during a recent interview with Charlie Rose.  After saying that Trump has authoritarian tendencies, Clinton went on to compare him to Putin and said that she can only hope he hasn't "ordered the killing of people and journalists and the like."

Clinton: "I don’t think he really values democracy, Charlie."


FBI Arrests Several NCAA Coaches Amid Broad Crackdown On College Basketball Corruption

In a broad crackdown on college basketball corruption, U.S. prosecutors unveiled charges Tuesday against 10 coaches, managers, financial advisers and representatives of a sportswear company, accusing them of bribery, fraud and corruption in recruitment in college basketball. Additionally, a key part of the case includes allegations that an executive at a global apparel company bribed students to attend universities where the company sponsored athletic programs.
