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Why America Needs A Wall - Shocking Video Of Mexican Military Versus Drug Cartel Shootout

Why America Needs A Wall - Shocking Video Of Mexican Military Versus Drug Cartel Shootout


Dramatic video has surfaced on of an intense firefight between a Mexican military unit and Cartel Del Golfo CDG members in Tamaulipas, Mexico.

The video starts out with Government troops rolling up to an intersection only to be met with a hellacious firefight.

Man Shot Dead In Brussels After Attacking Soldiers With A Knife While Shouting "Allahu Akbar"

In what appears to be the latest weekly terrorist attack in Europe, 7 days after the deadly events in Barcelona, Sky News and Reuters report that a man was shot in the center of Brussels on Friday evening after attacking two soldiers with a knife, according to state broadcaster RTBF reported.

British Spy Linked To Trump Dossier Ordered To Testify In Buzzfeed Suit

British Spy Linked To Trump Dossier Ordered To Testify In Buzzfeed Suit

Christopher Steele, the former British spy behind the now-infamous Trump dossier, has been ordered by a U.S. District Judge in Florida to provide a deposition in a multi-million-dollar libel case brought against BuzzFeed.  According to a note from Fox News, Steele is expected to fight the request for his deposition in British courts.

News Roundup: Have You Heard About These 3 Stories?

Via The Daily Bell

The DOJ Wants to Know Who Visited Anti-Trump Website

The Department of Justice is seeking the IP addresses of 1.3 million people who visited a website organizing anti-Trump protests at the inauguration.

The warrant is in connection with hundreds of prosecutions from “rioters” who were arrested while protesting the inauguration.

But the web host already provided details in accordance with a narrower subpoena for the information of those arrested. Such a broad sweeping search is completely in violation of rights.

Gun Control Laws Have Failed Latin America

Gun Control Laws Have Failed Latin America

Authored by Jose Nino via The Mises Institute,

It’s no secret that Latin America is rife with violence. A recent ranking from the Citizen's Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice (CCSPJP) further illustrates this point with the top 10 most violent cities in the world being exclusively located in Latin America. Additionally, Latin America has the dishonor of having 43 of the 50 most violent urban centers located in the region.
