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Trump Blasts Deputy AG: "I’m Being Investigated By Man Who Told Me To Fire The FBI Director! Witch Hunt"

Trump Blasts Deputy AG: "I’m Being Investigated By Man Who Told Me To Fire The FBI Director! Witch Hunt"

President Trump's latest twitter target seems to be his own Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who he blasts for the hiring of a Special Counsel to investigate the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, after writing a letter himself explicitly calling for the firing of James Comey.

"I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt"

Furious Trump Lashes Out In Afternoon Tweetstorm

An increasingly furious President Trump has taken to twitter this afternoon to express his outrage, in a way only the President can, over the thinly-veiled double standard within the U.S. intelligence community and mainstream media over how they basically ignored the Hillary Clinton email scandal while endlessly pursuing his administration without being able to present a single shred of tangible evidence that any wrong doing ever occurred.

"Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are?"

Ken Starr Bursts CNN's Bubble; "No Obstruction Case Against Trump From What I've Seen"

With the 'Russian collusion' case against the Trump administration all but dead, the mainstream media has shifted their full attention to now building an obstruction of justice case against the White House.  As such, CNN hosted Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel appointed in the 90's to look into various Clinton scandals, including the Vince Foster death and Monica Lewinsky episode, this morning to get his thoughts on the topic.

CNN:  "Do you think there is a case there?"

