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Three Stabbed In Fight Outside Midtown Manhattan School, Suspect At Large

Three Stabbed In Fight Outside Midtown Manhattan School, Suspect At Large

Three people were stabbed during a fight outside a Midtown public school Wednesday, the NY Daily News reported. The attack took place at Public School 35 at on W. 52nd St. near Eighth Ave. at about 1:45 p.m, and the NYPD was on the spot.

Ron Paul On The Drug War: Will The Trump Administration OD On Authoritarianism?

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Proseprity,

Last week Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered federal prosecutors in drug cases to seek the maximum penalty authorized by federal mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Sessions’ order represents a setback to the progress made toward restoring compassion and common sense to the sentencing process over the past few years. Sessions’ action also guarantees that many nonviolent drug law offenders will continue spending more time in prison than murderers.

Manafort, Stone Give Russia Docs To Senate Intel Committee

While Michael Flynn may refusing to comply with the Senate Intel Committee's probe of Russian interference, two other former associates of Donald Trump complied on Monday afternoon, and according to NBC, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone have turned over documents to the Senate Intelligence Committee in its Russia investigation, providing "all documents consistent with their specific request." As reported previously, the committee sent document requests to Manafort and Stone, as well as Carter Page and Mike Flynn, seeking information related to dealings with Russia.

Flynn Blames "Escalating Public Frenzy" For Refusal To Comply With Subpoena

Several hours after the AP reported that former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn would refuse to comply with a Senate subpoena, nor produce requested documents as he prepared to plead the Fifth, his lawyers explained that a daily "escalating public frenzy against him" and the Justice Department’s appointment of a special counsel "have created a legally dangerous environment for him to cooperate with a Senate investigation."

Meanwhile, In Baltimore...

Meanwhile, In Baltimore...


What I Saw Today In Maryland... The Militarization Of Police.

The intensive militarization of America’s police forces is a serious topic of which the mainstream media somewhat ignores. On my travels to Hunt Valley, Maryland, I stumbled upon a family oriented charity event for law enforcement at the University of Maryland Extension. I was shocked to find unattended assault rifles and military  gear loosely displayed. (Weapons had safety features in place) 

Armored military vehicle with turret
