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Michael Flynn To Plead The Fifth, Will Decline Senate Subpoena

Confirming last week's report that Michael Flynn will not comply with requests to testify before the Senate Intel Committee, moments ago AP reported that Flynn has indeed declined the subpoena and plans to officially invoke the Fifth Amendment sometime on Monday.

Why Private Prison Stocks Soared When Trump Got Elected

Via The Daily Bell

Why did “private” prison stocks soar the day after Trump got elected?

It is almost like people in the industry knew something that the public didn’t. The former Attorney General Yates said that private prisons would be phased out. So before any cabinet members had been announced, why were stockholders betting that private prisons would not be phased out after all?

It could just be Trump’s tough on crime stance in general. But something else happened days earlier that suggests Washington insiders already knew what was going to happen.

Turkish Passenger On American Airlines Flight Subdued After Trying To Breach Cockpit

Turkish Passenger On American Airlines Flight Subdued After Trying To Breach Cockpit

An American Airlines crew and off-duty Honolulu police officer subdued a man Friday on board a Honolulu-bound flight after he tried to break into the cockpit, ABC and local news report. The flight, which took off from Los Angeles, landed safely about 11:35 a.m. with a military escort. Bloomberg adds that a laptop computer was placed near the cockpit door.
