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Michael Flynn To Plead The Fifth, Will Decline Senate Subpoena

Confirming last week's report that Michael Flynn will not comply with requests to testify before the Senate Intel Committee, moments ago AP reported that Flynn has indeed declined the subpoena and plans to officially invoke the Fifth Amendment sometime on Monday.

Furthermore, according to Dow Jones, Flynn is refusing to turn over documents that were subpoenaed by the Senate Intel Committee.

Flynn previously offered to testify before the Senate and House Intelligence committees in exchange for immunity, but neither committee accepted the offer.

Last week, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr said that Flynn was “not cooperating” so far with the committee’s investigation, but that he hadn’t received a “definitive” answer on whether Flynn would testify.

As a reminder, also last week CNN reported that the FBI had first issued subpoenas relating to Flynn's business records, so the ousted National Security Adviser is now at at the center of both investigations and at least for the time being, he is refusing to comply with the Congressional probe. And while pleading the Fifth is a popular legal tactic, especially for those who do not have apriori immunity from prosecution such as virtually the entire Clinton campaign in their FBI testimonies, it is largely an admission of guilt in the court of public opinion and will prompt a new round of question over just what Flynn is hiding.
