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Yates: VP Pence Could Be Called As "Witness To Crime" If Flynn Is Prosecuted

It's fairly safe to say that General Michael Flynn did not fare well in today's testimony from former DNI Director Clapper and Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.

Very early in today's testimony, Yates confirmed that she reached out the the White House counsel regarding General Flynn after it appeared, based on comments made in the media by the Vice President, that he had lied to VP Pence about his past interactions with Russian officials.  Here is the exchange with Senator Feinstein:

Texas Governor Signs Bill To Fight Sanctuary Cities; Threatens Cops With Prison

Texas Governor Signs Bill To Fight Sanctuary Cities; Threatens Cops With Prison

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott has officially signed into law a measure to punish so-called "sanctuary cities," despite pleas from some of the police departments of cities like Austin to halt the bill they said would hinder their ability to fight crime.  Sure, because enforcing laws tends to 'hinder' the crime-fighting process.

Federal Judge Declares Constitution Void, Threatens Civil Defendant With Death

Submitted by John Griffing

Most Americans believe that we have a reasonably fair justice system with scholarly judges at the helm. Well, how about a federal judge who suspends the Constitution, confiscates all of a litigant’s assets, orders him not to hire defense counsel, and pronounces his orders enforceable by death? 
