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Yates: VP Pence Could Be Called As "Witness To Crime" If Flynn Is Prosecuted

It's fairly safe to say that General Michael Flynn did not fare well in today's testimony from former DNI Director Clapper and Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.

Very early in today's testimony, Yates confirmed that she reached out the the White House counsel regarding General Flynn after it appeared, based on comments made in the media by the Vice President, that he had lied to VP Pence about his past interactions with Russian officials.  Here is the exchange with Senator Feinstein:


Later, in an exchange with Senator Blumenthal, Yates went one step further to suggest that if Flynn told the same lies to the FBI during his sworn testimony that he "could face criminal prosecution."  That said, she declined to comment on testimony offered by Flynn to the FBI.


All of which led to the logical conclusion, that VP Pence and other "Top White House officials" could be potentially called as witnesses to the extent that General Flynn is put on trial.


All of which would be a very pleasing spectacle for Democrats, so we suspect it's only a matter of time before it happens.