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All The Plenary's Men

Via BestEvidence,

“The King can do no wrong.”

—William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England

“When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”

—Ex-President Richard Nixon, interview with David Frost

The question at bar is why the U.S. Department of Justice has failed to prosecute any too-big-to-fail banks or - more importantly - their bankers, even for admitted crimes.

Congress Refers Hillary's Private Server Company To DOJ For Prosecution

Last September we were among the first to note that Hillary's "Oh Shit Guy" (a.k.a Paul Combetta), who was responsible for wiping her private server clean with BleachBit despite acknowledging he was aware of a Congressional subpoena demanding the preservation of all records, was looking like he would be the 'fall guy' to take the blame for Hillary's various federal crimes. 

For those of you who "do not recall" all of the specifics of Platte River's involvement in the Hillary email scandal, here are a couple of refresher posts:
