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Russia Declares US To Be In Violation Of All International Conventions and Laws

The Russian government declared that the US military presence in Syria is illegal and that the strikes, verified by the US government, constitute an act of aggression and breach all international conventions and laws.

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Why So Many People Believe the FBI Killed Martin Luther King Jr.

Why So Many People Believe the FBI Killed Martin Luther King Jr.

Via The Daily Bell

The FBI is super sketchy. Questions abound over their role in various assassinations. The case of Martin Luther King Jr. is no exception.

Today is the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., a man who stood for peace and encouraged everyone to not judge people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

The personal attacks that MLK suffered at the hands of the FBI are well documented, though they sound like conspiracy theories to the unaware.

House Intel Panel Asks Susan Rice To Testify

If former National Security Advisor Susan Rice though she could get away from the current furore over the Trump "unmasking" scandal with just one MSNBC interview in which Andrea Mitchell did not even ask her why she lied two weeks ago to PBS, she will be disappointed as moments ago Dow Jones reported that the House Intelligence Panel has asked Susan Rice to testify, supposedly under oath.


The next question on everyone's lips: will she plead the Fifth?
