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House Intel Panel Asks Susan Rice To Testify

If former National Security Advisor Susan Rice though she could get away from the current furore over the Trump "unmasking" scandal with just one MSNBC interview in which Andrea Mitchell did not even ask her why she lied two weeks ago to PBS, she will be disappointed as moments ago Dow Jones reported that the House Intelligence Panel has asked Susan Rice to testify, supposedly under oath.


The next question on everyone's lips: will she plead the Fifth?

As a reminder, earlier in the day, the MSNBC anchor asked Susan Rice if she would testify before congress as Rand Paul requested, Rice responded by changing the subject to Russia.

"Rand Paul is suggesting that you be subpoenaed to testify. Would you be willing to go to Capitol Hill?" Mitchell asked.

"You know, Andrea, let's, let's… see what comes," she said. "Umm, I'm not going, ahh, you know, sit here and prejudge, but what I will say is that the investigations that are underway as to the Russian involvement in our electoral process are very important and they're very serious. Every American ought to have an interest in those investigations going wherever the evidence indicates they should."

Her decision may have been made for her.