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MI5 Used Child Abuse At Boys Home To Blackmail Paedophile Politicians

An inquiry into allegations of child abuse at a boys’ home in Belfast has restarted amid claims that MI5 agents knew about the alleged abuses but chose to use them to blackmail paedophile public figures. The Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) Inquiry will hear evidence from former residents of the notorious Kincora children’s home where it is claimed a high-ranking paedophile ring preyed on the vulnerable boys who lived there during the 1970s.

British Intelligence Tried To Recruit ‘Jihadi John’, Says Report

Britain’s intelligence agency MI5 attempted to recruit ISIS militant ‘Jihadi John’ in order to become a double agent gathering intelligence on the Islamic State for Britain.  The ISIS militant, who’s real name is  Siddhartha Dhar, managed to flee to Syria before MI5 persuaded him to join. reports: Dhar, who was dubbed the “new Jihadi John” after he emerged as the key suspect as the masked terrorist seen in a recent IS video threatening an attack on Britain, was allegedly contacted twice by MI5 officers before he was arrested for terrorist offences, the Sunday Times reported.