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The Common Sense Way To Get Rid Of Kim Jong-Un

The Common Sense Way To Get Rid Of Kim Jong-Un

By Chris at

That will never happen!

Much to the consternation of the little men in that incestuous, insular, politically inbred, inward looking place called Washington DC, young Kim is firing rockets into the air to much fanfare in his desperately poor paradise.

This week, the UN security council unanimously approved sanctions against the naughty boy north of Seoul. Stupid, stupid (which I'll come to in a moment)!

Russia, UAE Sign Breakthrough Military Deal

Russia, UAE Sign Breakthrough Military Deal

Via Peter Korzun of The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has signed an outline agreement to buy Russian aircraft. It also plans to implement a joint project with Russia to develop a next-generation fighter that could enter service in seven or eight years.

According to Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov, who led the Russian delegation at the IDEX 2017 exhibition, the UAE is to purchase a batch of advanced Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E fighters.

Trump And Russia: Just Pointing Out The Obvious

Trump And Russia: Just Pointing Out The Obvious

By Chris at

Chairman Trump may well be a child in a man's body - erratic, lacking in finesse, as articulate as a gangsta rapper, contradictory, and missing the cognitive functions allowing one to think before acting. But.. But... he does seem smart enough to have thought a little about Russia. Thought alone is a welcome surprise from Washington.

The establishment for their part are fuming!

Russian Su-33 Fighter Jet Crashes While Landing On Kuznetsov Aircraft Carrier Off Syria

Russian Su-33 Fighter Jet Crashes While Landing On Kuznetsov Aircraft Carrier Off Syria

Three weeks after a Russian fighter jet crashed in the Mediterranean Sea shortly after launching from its aircraft carrier near the coast of Syria, overnight a fighter jet based on the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov skid off the deck during landing and became lost at sea after an arrestor gear line snapped and failed to stop the aircraft, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

Su-33 fighter on the deck of Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier