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National Congress

China On Pace To Dethrone The US

China On Pace To Dethrone The US

Authored by James Holbrooks via,

“Not sure whether China will be nice to self-ruled Taiwan? Wait until after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party.


What’s in store for the hotly disputed, resource-rich South China Sea, where Beijing has taken a military and technological lead since 2010? Wait until after the Congress.


Coffee maker wouldn’t start today? Wait until after the Congress.


China Unveils Emergency Drill To "Shut Down Harmful Websites"

China Unveils Emergency Drill To "Shut Down Harmful Websites"

China's 19th National Congress of the Communist Party - the quinquennial confab where the party selects new members of the Politburo, its ruling council - is expected to begin this fall (official dates have not yet been publicly announced). And in an effort to guarantee that the leadership reshuffle goes off without a hitch, President Xi Jinping is tightening the government’s grip on the internet to help protect the official narrative that Xi's "Chinese Dream" remains intact.