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Women Fight ‘Tampon Tax’ In New York Court

Women in New York have taken their “tampon tax” fight to court, suing over the taxation of feminine hygiene products. A group of women filed a lawsuit on Thursday accusing New York of unlawfully taxing tampons and other feminine hygiene products. They accuse the state of double standards and gender discrimination and seek to bring an end to the “unlawful” tax and force refunds to five million women. RT reports: “A tax on tampons and sanitary pads is a tax on women. The Tampon Tax is irrational. It is discrimination.

When Paper Money Becomes Trash

Submitted by Nick Giambruno via,

This definitive sign of a currency collapse is easy to see…

When paper money literally becomes trash.

Maybe you’ve seen images depicting hyperinflation in Germany after World War I. The German government had printed so much money that it became worthless. Technically, German merchants still accepted the currency, but it was impractical to use. It would have required wheelbarrows full of paper money just to buy a loaf of bread.

Is It All Just A Publicity Stunt: Apple Unlocked iPhones For The Feds 70 Times Before

Is It All Just A Publicity Stunt: Apple Unlocked iPhones For The Feds 70 Times Before

The event that has gripped the tech and libertarian community over the past 48 hours has been Tim Cook's stern refusal to comply with a subpoena demanding that Apple unlock the iPhone 5C belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters for a full FBI inspection.

As reported previously, Judge Sheri Pym of U.S. District Court in Los Angeles said on Tuesday that Apple must provide "reasonable technical assistance" to investigators seeking to unlock data on - in other words hack - an iPhone 5C that had been owned by Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters.
