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North America

San Francisco's Dirty Little Secret

San Francisco's Dirty Little Secret

It's one of the most racially segregated cities in North America...

Via Elaine's Idle Mind blog (h/t Climateer Investing),

Good Zoning Laws Make Good Neighbors

Three years ago, FT had an article praising Tokyo’s laissez-faire zoning laws. Landowners can build and demolish as they see fit; the rules are set at the national level, so local governments have no say in the matter.

White House Lays Out Nafta Renegotiating Strategy

White House Lays Out Nafta Renegotiating Strategy

The US today released a 17-page outline of a "tough negotiating strategy" to revise the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement, meant to reduce trade imbalances with Mexico and Canada and boost exports of everything from farm goods to financial services while for the first time saying it would seek to deter currency manipulation by trading partners. The outline comes in advance of preparations to kick off heated negotiations to revamp Nafta.

Massive Spike in Bitcoins Causes John McAfee to Make An Outrageous Prediction, Promises to 'Eat His Own D*ck' On National Televi

Massive Spike in Bitcoins Causes John McAfee to Make An Outrageous Prediction, Promises to 'Eat His Own D*ck' On National Televi

Content originally published at

Now this is the sort of story you're all interested in reading about. I can see it now, 'man forced to eat his own penis after bitcoin bet goes sideways.' This is the indelible position John 'Jungle Killer' McAfee has just placed himself into.

Unbelievably, he's wagered to eat, mind you, his very own dick should the price of bitcoin not rise 22,636% to $500,000 inside of three short years.
