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How Is This Not A Recession? Ford To Slash 10% Of Global Workforce

How Is This Not A Recession? Ford To Slash 10% Of Global Workforce

Having admitted in March that "used car prices will drop for years" and amid near-record inventories,  a so-called 'plateau' in car sales, and soaring auto-loan losses, WSJ is reporting that Ford is planning substantial cuts to its global workforce amid CEO Mark Fields’s drive to boost profits and address the auto maker’s sliding stock price, according to people briefed on the plan.

With near record high inventories of 3.9 million vehicles...


Demand tumbling...



Trump-Appointed Manufacturing Tzar Backfires - Supports NAFTA, Backs Mexico

Trump-Appointed Manufacturing Tzar Backfires - Supports NAFTA, Backs Mexico

In an apparent snub to the administration's trade policy plans, GE CEO Jeff Immelt - who sits on the Trump-appointed manufacturing council - said he "very supportive" of NAFTA adding that he was "optimistic about Mexico."

Just a day after we showed Mexico's Manufacturing industrial production surge 8.5% year-over-year - the greatest surge since August 2010...


A Sobering Look At The Future Of Oil

A Sobering Look At The Future Of Oil

Authored by David Yager via,

The current discussion about the future of oil is how soon will it be before petroleum becomes a sunset industry. If it isn’t already. Flat or falling demand. Carbon taxes. Electric cars. Renewable energy. Oil has no future. It is only a matter of time, although how much time remains is subject to considerable discussion and debate. Various prognosticators put forth differing view about when world oil demand will peak. Some say as early as 2030, others much later. Nobody says never.
