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North America

War And Empire: The American Way Of Life

Authored by Paul Atwood via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

A few months ago I received a message from a professor at the Khomeini Institute for Education and  Research in Tehran, Iran, informing me that my 2010 book “War and Empire: The American Way of Life” (London, Pluto Press) had been translated into Farsi. He requested that I write an Introduction for Iranian readers. What follows is that Introduction. Two years ago the Xinhua Peoples’ Press in Beijing, China also published a translation in Mandarin.

"The Brink Of War": The Horror Of The Deep State's Plan Exposed - Part 2

"The Brink Of War": The Horror Of The Deep State's Plan Exposed - Part 2

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

In Part One of this article I detailed how propaganda has been utilized by the Deep State for decades to control the minds of the masses and allow those in control to reap the benefits of never ending war.

In Part Two I will discuss recent events, false flags, and propaganda campaigns utilized by the Deep State to push the world to the brink of war.

Canada Retaliates, Threatens Multiple Trade War Actions Against The US

The trade war between North America's two biggest economies is just getting started.

Ten days after Trump unexpectedly imposed duties on Canadian softwood exports drawing loud protests from domestic lumber companies, the Canadian government has threatened to retaliate with multiple trade actions against the US, demanding a long-term deal without which several American industries could soon be targeted.

Where Do You Go In A 'Hurricane'?

Where Do You Go In A 'Hurricane'?

Submitted by Jeff Thomas via,

As a West Indian, I’ve lived through quite a few hurricanes in my time. My level of responsibility in each varied quite a bit. I was eight years old in my first hurricane and I thought it was great fun, as it was so exciting during the hurricane and, afterward, the landscape had changed so much that I had lots of new places to play.
