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An Angry Canada Responds To Trump's Lumber Tariff... And What It Means For The Economy

An Angry Canada Responds To Trump's Lumber Tariff... And What It Means For The Economy

After last night's announcement of ~20% tariffs on softwood lumber imported from Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lashed out at the Trump administration saying the U.S. could suffer from a "thickening" border as trade tensions between the two countries escalated, sending the Canadian currency to a 14 month low.

World Stocks Hit All Time High, S&P Futures Rise To Within 1% Of Record

World Stocks Hit All Time High, S&P Futures Rise To Within 1% Of Record

After yesterday's violent gap up in stocks across the globe in response to the "expected" outcome from the French election, today the risk on sentiment has continued if to a lesser extent, with stocks in Europe, Asia all rising while S&P futures point to a higher open. Yen, gold decline, while the euro traded as high as 1.09 this morning before fading some gains; oil is up modestly.

"The Retail Bubble Has Now Burst": A Record 8,640 Stores Are Closing In 2017

"The Retail Bubble Has Now Burst": A Record 8,640 Stores Are Closing In 2017

        “Thousands of new doors opened and rents soared. This created a bubble, and like housing, that bubble has now burst.”

        - Richard Hayne, Urban Outfitters CEO, March 2017

The devastation in the US retail sector is accelerating in 2017, and in addition to the surging number of brick and mortar retail bankruptcies, it is perhaps nowhere more obvious than in the soaring number of store closures.
