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North America

Russia: EgyptAir Flight Crash Was Struck By Meteorite

A Russian Ministry of Defense report claims that EgyptAir Flight 804 crashed over the Mediterranean Sea due to the aircraft being struck by debris from a large meteorite.  The Kremlin say that a 10,000 metric tonne meteorite entered the Earth’s atmosphere on May 17, and Russia were the first country to issue a warning about the potential danger it posed to aircraft.

Caterpillar Retail Sales Fall For Record 41 Consecutive Months

Caterpillar Retail Sales Fall For Record 41 Consecutive Months

For Caterpillar, the great recession was bad, for about 19 months. In May 2010, after declining sharply for just under two years, CAT posted it first positive global retail sales comps and never looked back... until December 2012 when comp sales once again turned negative and have been negative ever since. For the past 41 months!


The breakdown showed that contrary to popular opinion, there has been no pick up in demand for heavy industrial machinery anywhere around the globe.
