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Norwegian City Approves Boycott Of Israeli Settlement Goods

The third largest city in Norway has voted to boycott all goods and services produced in illegal Israeli settlements located in the occupied Palestinian territories. NORWAY: Trondheim City Council votes to boycott Israeli settlement goods — Stolen Beauty (@BoycottAhava) November 18, 2016 The resolution stated that Israel continues to aggressively pursue its policy of occupation.

Norway Bans Petrol Cars

Norway are banning all fossil fuel cars within the next 10 years in an effort to become one of the most ecologically progressive nations in the world.  Politicians in Norway have vowed to eradicate all petrol cars by the year 2025 in order to reach the ambitious goal of having every single car run on green energy. reports: According to Norwegian newspaper Dagens Naeringsliv, “FRP will remove all gasoline cars”, a headline which makes reference to the populist right-wing Framstegspartiet, or Progress Party.

Norsemen Raiders Take Children

This is an absolutely chilling story from Norway, whose state-run child protection agency seizes children and separates them from families on flimsy pretexts. Excerpts:

Ruth and Marius’s life was torn apart without warning one Monday afternoon last November when two black cars approached the farm where they live in a remote Norwegian valley.

Their two little boys, aged five and two, and their three-month-old baby son, were in their big, bright, modern living room overlooking the steel-grey fjord.

Norway Offers Refugees Cash To Leave The Country

Norway Offers Refugees Cash To Leave The Country

As European countries deal with the current refugee crisis, each is taking a slightly different approach in response to the escalating situation. In Norway, which has been shocked by the unfolding events in neighboring Sweden which has seen a mass revulsion at the ongoing refugee onslaught (and which recently announced it won't accept any more refugees from the EU) the answer appears to be the simplest possible one: offer asylum seekers money to leave.

Asylum seekers at the Bjørnebekk asylum centre in Ås
