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online retailer

Trump Lashes Out At Bezos: "Amazon Is Doing Great Damage To Retailers; Hurting Cities And Jobs"

Trump Lashes Out At Bezos: "Amazon Is Doing Great Damage To Retailers; Hurting Cities And Jobs"

Amazon stock dropped a much as 1.2% in the pre-market (down 0.7% last), after an early start of the Trump tweets on Wednesday where with his first tweet he attacked the giant online retailer, saying "Amazon is doing great damage to tax paying retailers. Towns, cities and states throughout the U.S. are being hurt - many jobs being lost!"

China's Ebay Offers Customers Cheap Groceries And Defaulted Loans On Bankrupt Companies

China's Ebay Offers Customers Cheap Groceries And Defaulted Loans On Bankrupt Companies

At China's largest online retailer, TaoBao, customers can now buy literally everything from discounted groceries, apparel and pet food to defaulted loans on their favorite bankrupt steel company or that awesome condo complex in that unoccupied 'Ghost City' they've always adored. 

As an example, you could purchase this lovely snack(?)....


...or this portfolio of 118 non-performing loans from some companies in Yunnan province....