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‘Oh My God, This Fetus Is Moving!’

This happened in Phoenix:

Newly released 911 tapes reveal tense moments after a baby may or may not have survived an abortion at a Phoenix family planning clinic back in February.

The incident struck a chord with many pro-life advocates, who held a vigil and protested the incident. Others wondered about not only the legality, but the morality of the incident.

In the 911 calls, a clinic worker told the dispatcher a fetus that was removed had vital signs.

SJWs Attack At Catholic Girls School

That image above is of a handout Catholic high school teacher Gavin Ahern passed out to his students at Xavier College Prep, an elite girls’ school in Phoenix. Imagine that: a Catholic teacher giving out a flyer saying that abortion disproportionately harms African-Americans, that even Unborn Black Lives Matter. Whoever heard of such a thing?!

Then all hell broke loose from SJWs within the school and its alumnae network. From a local TV report:
