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‘Oh My God, This Fetus Is Moving!’

This happened in Phoenix:

Newly released 911 tapes reveal tense moments after a baby may or may not have survived an abortion at a Phoenix family planning clinic back in February.

The incident struck a chord with many pro-life advocates, who held a vigil and protested the incident. Others wondered about not only the legality, but the morality of the incident.

In the 911 calls, a clinic worker told the dispatcher a fetus that was removed had vital signs.

“There was a termination that was performed,” the worker said. “There is a fetus that is breathing right now, so we need someone to do services.”

The 911 operator asks if the fetus has been harmed in any way.

The worker answered no, and said the fetus needed further help other than what the clinic could provide.

“The fetus is breathing so we need care for it now,” said the caller. “We can’t provide that care except for oxygen and we’re trying to keep the fetus stable until someone arrives.”

Federal law states that a clinic has to provide medical care to a baby who survives an abortion.

That was the case in this incident.

“Nobody did anything wrong,” said Kat Sabine, Executive Director of the Arizona chapter of NARAL Pro-Choice America in April when she spoke with 12 News.

Sure, if by “wrong” you mean “illegal.” In truth, you people are a bunch of baby killers.

Here’s how WKYC KPNX, the Phoenix TV station, ends its report:

According to documents, the fetus died minutes after being taken to the hospital.

Wait, do “fetuses” die? No, babies die. Tell us, WKYC KPNX, is a just-delivered infant who is alive and breathing on her own, fully separate from her mother’s body, not a human being until and unless the abortion clinic decides she is? What kind of journalism is this?

UPDATE: My apologies to WKYC, which as readers point out, is a Cleveland TV station. They apparently used text from KPNX, the Phoenix affiliate. It’s still WKYC’s responsibility — it chose to present the text on its own website — but the text originated at KPNX.