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FBI: Trump-Russia Stories Are “Bullshit”

The FBI has announced that claims suggesting Donald Trump was in contact with Russian officials before the election are “complete bullshit.” Following reports that White House Chief-of-staff Reince Priebus asked the FBI to dispute allegations of Russian interferance, senior administration officials insist that the FBI came to Priebus to express their contempt for the Trump-Russia allegations, which appear to have been invented by the Democrats.

Watergate's Bob Woodward: "Press Shouldn't Whine About Trump, It Doesn't Work With The Public"

Infamous Watergate reporter Bob Woodward had some uncomfortable words for the mainstream media's safe-space-seekers. Following a tempestuous few days as the media and the White House toss propaganda grenades at one another, on Friday's broadcast of MSNBC's "Hardball" show, the Washington Post Associate Editor stated that:

the press “shouldn’t whine, and if we sound like we are an interest group only concerned with ourselves, it doesn’t work with the public. At the same time, we need to continue the in-depth inquiries, the investigations.”

DNC Rejects Ban On Corporate Lobbying Donations

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has unanimously decided to ignore the will of the voters and has rejected a ban on corporate lobbying donations.  Despite the Clinton campaign losing last years presidential election due to the myriad of accusations of pay for play, and undue influence from Wall Street and Big Pharma, the DNC has decided to stick with Clinton amid a furious backlash from ordinary voters.

"They Want You Purged" - NRA Head Rages Against Violent Left "Terrorists"

Wayne Lapierre, executive director of the NRA. pulled no punches in a fiery speech yesterday, painting anti-Donald Trump protesters as violent extremists and compared their disruptions to terrorism during a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday.


As NBC News reports, Lapierre's comments were among the strongest against the left and the media during the conference in which bashing those opposing Trump's agenda has been a prominent theme.
