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Trump Bans ‘Fake News’ CNN From White House Press Briefings

President Trump has begun banning corrupt members of the mainstream media from White House press briefings, with CNN, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times among the first to have their access rights revoked. The Hill, Politico, BuzzFeed, the Daily Mail, and BBC are among the other mainstream outlets to be banned by the White House, just hours after President Trump warned during his CPAC speech that “we’re gonna do something about the media“.

French Prosecutor To Open Official Probe Into Francois Fillon's Embezzlement Allegations

As recently as one week ago, French conservative politician Francois Fillon, who until recently was the favorite to win the upcoming presidential election until centrist Emmanuel Macron stormed ahead of him in popularity, said he would end his presidential campaign if an official probe was launched against him over a long-running graft scandal. Then, one week ago, he backtracked on the promise to quit the race if he is placed under formal investigation over his wife’s employment.

White House Bars CNN, NYT, Others From Media Briefing

Just a few hours after Trump warned during his CPAC speech that "we're gonna do something about the media", he did just that after the White House barred a number of news outlets from covering Sean Spicer’s Q&A session on Friday afternoon.  Spicer decided to hold an off-camera “gaggle” with reporters inside his West Wing office instead of the traditional on-camera briefing in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room according to press reports. 

Four Agencies To Abolish (Along With The Department Of Education)

Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

In the wake of the Senate's confirmation of the appointment of Betsy DeVos, the protests from the left prompted Republican Congressman Thomas Massie to offer them a way to get rid of DeVos: eliminate the Department of Education. 

According to Massie, he'd been planning to introduce the bill for more than a year, and the controversy over DeVos appeared to be as good a time as any. 
