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The NY Times Asks "How We Can Get Rid Of Trump?"

The NY Times Asks "How We Can Get Rid Of Trump?"

The always 'fair and balanced' New York Times' Nicholas Kristof (author of such 'real news' as "Donald Trump: Kremlin Employee of the Month?", "What Did Trump Know, and When Did He Know It?" and "Donald Trump: The Russian Poodle") has outdone himself with this week's 'opinion' piece, asking "We’re just a month into the Trump presidency, and already so many are wondering: How can we end it?"

Political Turmoil Returns To Europe: French-German Spread Blows Out To Five Year Wides

Political Turmoil Returns To Europe: French-German Spread Blows Out To Five Year Wides

Despite a calm start to European trading, with local equity bourses posting solid early gains, European political fears have returned this morning, leading to a blow out in French government bond yields, pushing the 10y yield now higher by 5bps and 5y up 8bps, as early losses extend after latest poll shows support for anti-euro presidential candidate Marine Le Pen rising in both election rounds.

As a result, the French-German 10Y govt spread has jumped to 85 bps, following an accelerated selloff, to the widest level since July 2012.

Iran To Host International Conference On Palestine

Iran is hosting a two-day international conference on Palestine in a show of solidarity with the oppressed nation. The 6th International Conference in Support of the Palestinian intifada opens in Tehran on Monday, with 80 delegations from around the world expected to attend. Press TV reports: Around 700 foreign guests and representatives of the pro-Palestinian organizations are slated to take part in the event.
