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America Is No Longer Top Dog: Chinese Military "Reaching Near-Parity" With The West

America Is No Longer Top Dog: Chinese Military "Reaching Near-Parity" With The West

Submitted by Daniel Lang via,

The United States military is without a doubt the most technologically advanced force on the planet, and has been since at least World War II. Most Western nations are likewise, heavily dependent on advanced technology. When the West wins wars, it’s not because of moxy or numbers or cunning. It’s because we can detonate our enemies from miles away on a whim.

'Rogue' Border Agents Resist Trump Orders, Continue Obama's 'Catch-And-Release' Policy

'Rogue' Border Agents Resist Trump Orders, Continue Obama's 'Catch-And-Release' Policy

Authored by Brendan Kirby, originally posted at,

Some border patrol stations have been slow to carry out President Donald Trump’s immigration enforcement executive order and instead have continued former President Barack Obama’s “catch-and-release” policies, according to a union official.

Senate Intel Committee Orders White House To Keep All Records For Russia Probe

Senate Intel Committee Orders White House To Keep All Records For Russia Probe

The "Russia hacked the US election" is getting its second wind.

One day after Reuters provided further details of the ongoing FBI probes - of which there are now reportedly three - into activities that are generally classified as the Kremlin's hacking of the US presidential election, the Senate Intelligence Committee has likewise escalated its probe into Russian interference, and is requesting that agencies preserve all materials that could tie into the committee's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
