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Chaffetz Seeks Charges Against Former Hillary IT Aide Bryan Pagliano

Chaffetz Seeks Charges Against Former Hillary IT Aide Bryan Pagliano

Back in September, at the height of the Hillary emailgate investigation, Clinton's IT aid who helped setup her private email server, Bryan Pagliano, apparently decided that Congressional subpoenas, like federal record retention laws, were merely optional suggestions that did not require compliance.  As such, Pagliano elected to skip not one, but two, Congressional hearings in front of Jason Chaffetz' (R-Utah) House Oversight Committee despite his direct involvement in setting up he private servers.

White House Blasts "False" AP Report That 100,000 Troops Will Round Up Illegal Aliens

AP reported that according to a draft 11-page memo, the Trump administration is considering mobilizing as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegal immigrants. However, the White House quickly slammed the agency’s report is “false."  In yet another leak-counterleak example of "spot the fake news" , moments after the AP report hit, the White House denied everything

Snubbed By Harward, Trump Tweets "General Keith Kellogg Is Very Much In Play For NSA"

Snubbed By Harward, Trump Tweets "General Keith Kellogg Is Very Much In Play For NSA"

Hours after news broke that Lockheed senior executive Robart Harward had rejected Trump's offer to become the next National Security Advisor as he was Harward is "conflicted between the call of duty and the obvious dysfunctionality", moments ago Trump tweeted that General Keith Kellogg - the acting national security advisor -  "who I have known for a long time, is very much in play for NSA - as are three others."

Senator McCain Falls for Absurd Russian Prankster Pretending to be Ukrainian Prime Minister

How fucking stupid are our leaders? Fucking John McCain fell for this ridiculous prank by a group of famous Russian phone-fags. McCain said, to whom he thought was the Prime Minister of the Ukraine, "I cannot predict what this President (Trump) will do."

Essentially, he's talking foreign policy with them about wanting harsher sanctions on Russia -- while those fuckheads are ringing bells in the background.

Tony Blair Urges Brexit Opponents To "Rise Up" And Fight To Stay In The EU

In a fiery speech delivered in London aimed to show U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May that she won’t get everything her own way, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair Tony Blair urged opponents of Brexit to “rise up” and fight to change the British people’s minds about leaving the European Union.
