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Spanish Crisis Returns: Separatists Win Catalan Election In Huge Blow To Rajoy

Spanish Crisis Returns: Separatists Win Catalan Election In Huge Blow To Rajoy

Despite growing expectations that Catalan separatist fervor had abated in the aftermath of the post-independence fiasco, consensus was once again set for disappointment and on Thursday night, Spain was thrown back into chaos after the three Catalan separatist parties, Junts per Catalunya, Republican Catalan Left and the CUP, held on to a small but critical majority in the Catalan regional parliamentary election, dealing a stunning rebuke to Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and his attempt to bury the Catalan independence movement.

Congress Demands DOJ Turn Over Evidence Related To Obama-Hezbollah Drug Trafficking

Congress Demands DOJ Turn Over Evidence Related To Obama-Hezbollah Drug Trafficking

Congress has demanded that the Department of Justice turn over all documents related to a disturbing report from POLITICO that the Obama administration quashed a massive DEA investigation into a $200 million per month drug trafficking and money laundering scheme on U.S. soil which was directly funding Hezbollah's various terror campaigns around the world. 

Watch Live: House Votes On Spending Stopgap To Avert A Christmas Shutdown

A day after Republicans celebrated their biggest legislative accomplishment to date when the House passed the White House's tax-reform package in a nearly party-line vote, Republicans are scrambling to pass a continuing resolution that will avert a Christmas shutdown.

Readers can watch the vote below:
