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The War Against Ordinary Americans — Paul Craig Roberts

The War Against Ordinary Americans

Paul Craig Roberts

The Saker is a level-headed person. I take it seriously when he spells out the threat to Trump’s presidency presented by the paradoxical alliance of the ruling oligarchs with what purports to be the “liberal/progressive/left.” It is amazing that the “liberal/progressive/left” are aligned with war and not with peace and are aligned with the OnePercent against the working class, whom they despise as “Trump deplorables.”

UK Parliament Overwhelmingly Authorizes Theresa May To Trigger Article 50 And Withdraw From EU

UK Parliament Overwhelmingly Authorizes Theresa May To Trigger Article 50 And Withdraw From EU

MP's in Parliament have voted 498 to 114 to authorize Prime Minster Theresa May to Trigger Article 50 and begin the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union. The vote officiates the result of the June 23rd, 2016 "Brexit" Referendum where a majority of UK citizens indicated a desire to leave the EU. An amendment introduced by the Scottish National Party (SNP) which called on the Government to consult the devolved powers on Brexit and calls on her to set out her objectives for the negotiation was rejected.

Hillary Clinton To Pen New Memoir Reflecting On Stunning 2016 Loss

After withdrawing almost completely from public view following her staggering loss to Donald Trump on November 8th, Hillary, according to Bloomberg, is plotting a return to the limelight with a new book to be published this fall and a speaking tour that will include a stop at her alma mater Wellesley College in May.  If you can't take the White House, might as well restart the
book signings and public speaking $250,000-$500,000 a pop
who could resist?

China Tests Intercontinental Missile With Ten Warheads

China has reportedly tested a new version of a long range missile capable of carrying ten nuclear warheads, amid growing tensions with the United States. The DF-5C missile was flown in January using 10 multiple independently-targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs). The test represents a shift in China’s nuclear policy according to defense officials. It suggests that the China is increasing the number of warheads in its military. Experts say China has around 250 nuclear warheads.
