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War With US Becoming A "Practical Reality" Chinese Military Warns

War With US Becoming A "Practical Reality" Chinese Military Warns

In the harshest warning yet that China is actively contemplating a worst case scenario for its diplomatic relations with the US, a senior Chinese military official said that “a war within the president’s term’ or ‘war breaking out tonight’ are not just slogans, they are becoming a practical reality.The remarks, first reported by the SCMP, were published on the People’s Liberation Army website in response to the escalating rhetoric towards China from America's new administration, and as Beijing braces itself for a possible deterioration in Sino-US ties, with a par

Homeland Security Ignores Judge, Continues Enforcing Trump's Travel Ban

Following a tumultuous night, in which late on Saturday evening a Brooklyn Federal Judge issued a partial ban on Trump's immigration order, on Sunday morning the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement saying it planned on continuing to “enforce all of the president’s executive orders in a manner that ensures the safety and security of the American people.” The DHS said the court order would not affect the overall implementation of the White House order and the court order affected a small number of travelers who were inconvenienced by security procedures upon th

Delta Force Kill ISIS Commander Via Hand-to-Hand Combat

Delta Force, the U.S. Army’s elite counter-terrorism unit, have killed a top ISIS commander in an unprecedented hand-to-hand combat fight in Syria.  The commando-style raid occurred behind ISIS lines in Syria which resulted in the death of Abu Sayyaf, ISIL’s top finance chief in charge of the illegal oil and gas production that funds the group’s activities. The destruction of ISIS’ main source of income comes just days after ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, was captured on day one of airstrikes ordered by President Trump.

NPR: 25 Million Votes For Clinton ‘Completely Fake’ – She Lost Popular Vote

A study published by NPR reveals that over 25 million Hillary Clinton votes were completely fraudulent, meaning that the Democratic candidate actually lost the popular vote by a huge margin.  A study by the Pew Center claiming that over 800,000 non-citizens voted for Hillary Clinton failed to take into account dead and fraudulent voters which totalled over 25 million “registered voters”. According to reports, illegal aliens combined with dead voters and “multiple state” voters explains why Hillary appeared to have won the popular vote over Trump during this years presidential race.

Congress Order FBI To Hand Over Hillary Clinton’s Email Server

Congress have ordered the FBI to hand over the contents of Hillary Clinton’s email server so that they can conduct an investigation into possible criminal activity.  The House Oversight Committee requested that FBI Director James Comey give them Datto Company’s secure cloud storage which contains the Hillary’s server contents. reports: Datto, Inc. informed Congress in October 2015 it provided the FBI with the storage node of containing emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server.
