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Mathematician Uncovers Widespread Election Fraud

A mathematician from Kansas says she has uncovered evidence of widespread election fraud from this year’s election and claims government officials are trying to silence her.  According to Wichita State mathematician Beth Clarkson, irregularities in election returns from across the United States are being ignored by State officials in order to cover-up the magnitude of election fraud committed. reports: Analyzing election returns at a precinct level, Clarkson found that candidate support was correlated, to a statistically significant degree, with the size of the precinct.

White House Misspells UK Prime Minister's Name In Official Memo (Multiple Times)

White House Misspells UK Prime Minister's Name In Official Memo (Multiple Times)

A White House memo detailing President Trump's Friday schedule offered what some might call 'alternative letters' in the spelling of UK Prime Minister T(h)eresa May's name... mutliple times.

As The Hill reports, May's name was spelled "Teresa" three times in the daily guidance and press schedule email, which was sent Thursday evening with an hourly breakdown of the president's schedule.
