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Israeli Defense Chief Says Army Will Go ‘Full Force’ In Future Wars

The Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said the Israeli army will be ordered to “go in full force” in future wars. Lieberman said the army will stop at nothing to defeat the enemy in conflicts to come, and they won’t stop until the adversary “waves a white flag.” He also slammed third parties ‘meddling’ including attempts by the US, Russia, and especially the EU, to play an intermediary role in the Israeli-Palestine dispute.

Budget Showdown Looms As Conservatives Press For Entitlement Reform

Throughout the campaign President Trump swore off cuts to Social Security and Medicare, promises which could ultimately result in the first splintering between the White House and Congressional Republicans who maintain that the federal budget can't be balanced without meaningful entitlement reform.  Trump is set to present the first outline of his budget when he addresses a joint session of Congress for the first time on February 28th.


Trump's Next Executive Orders: "Drastically Reducing" US Role In International Organizations, Ending Treaties

In the latest surprise to come from the Trump administration, the NYT reports that in the Trump administration is preparing a set of executive orders aimed at isolating the US and which would allow the United States to "drastically reduce" its role and involvement in the United Nations and other international organizations, "as well as begin a process to review and potentially abrogate certain forms of multilateral treaties, officials said." The order calls for then enacting “at least a 40% overall decrease” in remaining United States funding toward international organizations.

Trump To Block Visas For Citizens Of Syria, Iran & Six Other Countries

Trump is planning to sign executive orders blocking visas for citizens of seven countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa, according to congressional aides and immigration experts. He is also expected to temporarily ban refugees entering the US for several months, except in cases of religious minorities escaping persecution, until stricter vetting is in place, the sources told Reuters. The move could just be the beginning of further limits some reports have indicated.

Is Libya A Bigger Threat To Oil Prices Than U.S. Shale?

Submitted by Gregory Brew via,

Despite some suggestions that oil prices will level off at around $60 in 2017, since the initial surge of the OPEC production deal prices have barely nudged above $53. Over the long-term, outlooks are more bearish than bullish, and a major reason for that is the strong likelihood of increased production in three places: Libya, Nigeria and Iran.
