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'Bikers For Trump' Vow To Form A "Wall Of Meat" To Protect Inauguration From Protesters

'Bikers For Trump' Vow To Form A "Wall Of Meat" To Protect Inauguration From Protesters

In 2001, disaffected, Gore-supporting snowflakes shut down various parts of the Bush inauguration after increasingly violent crowds pelted his motorcade with eggs during his procession down Pennsylvania Avenue.  And while many have predicted a similar fate for the Trump administration this Friday with protesters already descending upon D.C. amid vows to "paralyze the city", Trump has one advantage that Bush did not, namely 5,000 "Bikers for Trump" who have said they will form a "wall of meat" to guard against any protesters looking to disrupt the festivities.

Clinton Foundation Shuts Clinton Global Initiative

The Clinton Foundation is discontinuing the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) amid an FBI corruption investigation. In a WARN (The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act) notice filed with the Department of Labor last week, the Clinton Foundation announced it would be laying off some 22 employees at their primary networking platform. The Clinton Foundation attained notoriety during the election thanks to leaked emails by WikiLeaks. They showed the organization to be an entity that did not serve the US national interest.

Egyptian Court Rejects Transfer Of Two Red Sea Islands To Saudi Arabia, Setting Stage For "Iran Pivot"

Egyptian Court Rejects Transfer Of Two Red Sea Islands To Saudi Arabia, Setting Stage For "Iran Pivot"

Last April, in a move that led to widespread public outrage, the Egyptian government revealed that it had signed maritime demarcation accords that put the islands of Tiran and Sanafir in Saudi waters, in the process handing over the two islands to the Saudi kingdom, a transfer that was widely perceived as a behind the scenes gift from the Egyptian president to the Saudi regime.
