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As Lewis Shuns Trump, MLK's Son Meets With President-Elect

As Congressman John Lewis - a prominent civil rights era figure - continues to shun the president-elect (for his illegitimacy), it appears none other than Martin Luther King Jr.'s son is willing to give him a chance. Trump's incoming press secretary, Sean Spicer, announced via Twitter that the two will meet and discuss the civil rights leader's legacy.

John Lewis remains indignant to facts and the US constitution...

Why Were These Two Finnish Journalists and an Elected Government Official Assassinated?

Why Were These Two Finnish Journalists and an Elected Government Official Assassinated?

Perhaps because they were investigating a pedophile ring possibly linked to the upper ranks of the Finnish government.

Angry Germany Slams Trump Criticism: Urges US To "Build Better Cars", Accuses Washington Of Causing Refugee Crisis

Angry Germany Slams Trump Criticism: Urges US To "Build Better Cars", Accuses Washington Of Causing Refugee Crisis

An angry Berlin has responded with a staunch defense of its policies after President-elect Donald Trump criticized German Chancellor Angela Merkel in two separate Sunday interviews, one with Germany's Bild and one with the Sunday Times, for her stance during the refugee crisis while threatening a 35% tariff on BMW cars imported into the US.

Can Marine Le Pen Pull Off French Election Stunner? Germany Loses No Matter Who Wins

Can Marine Le Pen Pull Off French Election Stunner? Germany Loses No Matter Who Wins

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Conventional wisdom suggests National Front candidate Marine le Pen will make it to the second round in French elections, then lose in a landslide to whoever her opponent happens to be.

I believe le Pen’s odds of winning it outright are far better than most think.

Current Polls

Chart from Wikipedia, with image clips added.

Top Five candidates
