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Questions Emerge Why Trump Security Advisor Spoke Repeatedly With Russian Ambassador

Questions Emerge Why Trump Security Advisor Spoke Repeatedly With Russian Ambassador

Tell us if you have heard this one before.

The Washington Post reports that two people familiar with the issue, who spoke on condition of anonymity, claim that President-elect Trump's choice for national security adviser, Michael Flynn, held multiple phone conversations with Russia's ambassador to Washington on the day the US announced retaliation for Moscow's interference in the election.

The phone calls were first reported by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius.

These 13 Corrupt Democrats Stopped Bernie Sanders’ Amendment

The US Senate narrowly voted against an amendment bought by Bernie Sanders and backed by Donald Trump that would have reduced prescription drug prices for all Americans by opening up imports from Canada. Why did such a no-brainer of an amendment fail to pass? Because of the corrupt actions of 13 treasonous Democrats. The Democrats could have passed Bernie Sanders’ amendment but chose against it. 12 Republicans, including Ted Cruz and Rand Paul voted with Bernie.  The Democrats had the numbers. But these Democratic Senators, traitors to the 99%, voted against the amendment.

The Establishment Is Trying To Steal The Presidency From Trump — Paul Craig Roberts

The Establishment Is Trying To Steal The Presidency From Trump
And the Liberal-Left Is Helping

Paul Craig Roberts

Reuters reports that 2,700 US troops accompanied by tanks are moving across Poland toward the Russian border. Col. Christopher Norrie, commander of the 3rd Armoured Brigade Combat Team, declared: “The main goal of our mission is deterrence and prevention of threats.” Apparently, the colonel is not sufficiently bright to realize that far from preventing threats, the force he is leading presents as a threat. And to no less a military power than Russia.

Here We Go Again: Syria's Assad Named As Suspect In Chemical Weapons Attack

Here We Go Again: Syria's Assad Named As Suspect In Chemical Weapons Attack

Back in 2013, the catalyst used by the US to intervene in the Syrian conflict which started in the aftermath of the Arab Spring (which according to some was inspired by CIA intervention), was a YouTube clip allegedly showing a sarin gas attack by Assad troops on his own people in the town of Ghouta, which reportedly led to hundreds of casualties. Subsequently, the video was shown to have been a hoax, but by then it was too late as the US was actively involved in the proxy war, which in the summer of 2013 nearly escalated to a naval conflict between the US and Russia.

Guccifer 2.0 Emerges To Slam Intelligence Community's "Fake Evidence"

After laying silent since a November tweet in which he promised to "be an independent observer at the U.S. 2016 election," Guccifer 2.0 has returned with a new blog post slamming the "fake evidence" presented by the "FBI/DHS/NSA reports."

