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Obama's "Farewell To Arms" As War Presidency Ends

Submitted by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Eight straight years of warmongering come to an end as US President Barack Obama bows out with his «farewell to the nation» speech this week, as fawning American media dubbed his valediction.

In reality, Obama’s outgoing address should have been billed as a «farewell to arms» made by arguably one of the most belligerent presidents to ever have occupied the White House.

The Utter Stupidity Of The New Cold War

Submitted by Gary Leupp via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

It seems so strange, twenty-seven years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, to be living through a new Cold War with (as it happens, capitalist) Russia.

The Russian president is attacked by the U.S. political class and media as they never attacked Soviet leaders; he is personally vilified as a corrupt, venal dictator, who arrests or assassinates political opponents and dissident journalists, and is hell-bent on the restoration of the USSR.

Thousands Of Clinton Staffers Forced To ‘Go On Welfare’

Thousands of Clinton aides and campaign staffers are being forced to leave Washington D.C., move back in with their parents and go on welfare, according to counselors working with the recently unemployed staff. “There’s anger, there’s frustration, there’s anxiety, there’s burnout,” said Russ Finkelstein, a managing director at Clearly Next who has been counseling Clinton campaign staffers. “People are in shock,” said Anastasia Kessler-Dellaccio, 35, who quit her job at Sister Cities International to run Foreign Policy Professionals for Hillary.

Rosie O’Donnell Wants Martial Law To ‘Stop Trump Inauguration’

Rosie O’Donnell has urged the U.S. military to take over the government and impose martial law in order to delay Trump’s inauguration.  The has-been Hollywood actress took to twitter on Thursday and claimed that martial law was the only chance America had to stop President-elect Donald Trump taking office. Rosie is part of an exclusive Hollywood clique of celebrities who have vowed to do everything in their power to thwart a Trump presidency. The actress recently joined the likes of Amy Schumer, Miley Cyrus and George Clooney in threatening to go on strike unless Trump resigns.

Afghan "Ghost Soldiers" Are Costing US Taxpayers Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Annually

Afghan "Ghost Soldiers" Are Costing US Taxpayers Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Annually

Submitted by Jason Ditz via,

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) John Sopko is once again warning about the long-standing problems of corruption in Afghanistan, and the amount of US “reconstruction aid” disappearing down black holes over the course of the years. As always, the discussion came around to “ghost soldiers.”
